HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

Demarche qualite : HACCP

HACCP is a quality approach for the agro-food sector.
It is to comply with the hygiene and food safety, by conducting auto-controls: analyzing hazards and anticipating the management of risks. It is based on seven fundamental principles and 12

The Fundamental Principles

I Conduct a hazard analysis.
II Determine the critical control points (CCP).
Secure the critical thresholds.
IV Establish a surveillance system to control the CCP.
V Establish corrective actions, when the surveillance system indicates that a particular CCP is out of control.
VI Establish verification procedures to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively.
VII Establish a file, which will contain all procedures and all statements, regarding these principles and their implementations.


Stages (CCP)

HACCP focuses on three classes of hazards to food hygiene:

  • Biological Hazards (viruses, bacteria, temperature etc.)
  • Chemical hazards (pesticides, additives etc.)
  • Physical hazards (wood, glass etc.)

HACCP was conceived in the USA, developed by NASA in the 1960s in order to ensure an irreproachable food quality-safety for the astronauts.
Source: www.chainedufroid-haccp.com